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Stacy Sanderson-Byers, Registered Physiotherapist. Slow runner - lots of dogs to meet.


It all started when…

Stacy grew up in the beautiful mountain town of Crested Butte, Colorado where she spent her time Nordic racing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, dancing, and playing soccer. She and her sister were Junior Olympic level Nordic Skiers, and they both fell in love with the outdoors early on thanks to the Colorado wilderness.

Stacy moved to Victoria, BC at age 15 where she pursued competitive dance. Upon graduating she trained in Philadelphia, PA and moved to Vancouver to further her dance training and transition into professional work. After sustaining a foot injury, Stacy pursued post-secondary education.

Stacy graduated with a BSc Kin from the University of Victoria in 2015 and moved to Campbell River shortly after, where she has built a plethora of work experience including personal training, injury rehabilitation and sport-specific conditioning. After falling in love with the field of rehabilitation she decided to pursue further education and received a Master’s Degree of Physiotherapy from UC Dublin in 2021. She is a member of the team at both Dogwood and Downtown locations and provides physiotherapy assistance to infants and school-aged children on the North Island through the Ministry of Child and Family Development, alongside Dean Clark.

Stacy has developed a love of running, dirt biking, fishing and active exploration of the beautiful surroundings she now calls home. She can often be found yarding in large Springs off the Green Can. She hasn’t had any luck in the Tyee Pool yet, but that day will come.

Stacy Sanderson-Byers is a Physiotherapist with an extensive background in Kinesiologist here in Campbell River and is passionate about movement and exercise rehabilitation. She takes an individualized, sustainable approach to her practice that empowers patients to incorporate active rehab into their already busy schedules. Her energy and enthusiasm help her clients push through the difficult days to get back to the things they love doing in this beautiful town we live in.